UPDATE! WE ARE NOT actually MOVING AFTER ALL! {I am leaving the original post below, simply for those who may be super confused by the previous newsletter that I wrote earlier this past week.} UPDATE (8/27/17): I can't believe I'm saying this. It feels like a bad joke. Or, like canceling a wedding the night before. We are NOT moving to Idaho after all! My husband Trent began training for his new job this past Monday. And by Friday, he and I realized it was not what we had expected and that this was quite possibly the wrong decision. We also then came to realize that the entire move was not what we needed to do. There were other factors as well, but the main instigator was the fact that his new job opportunity was not what he had expected or hoped for. It was a very sad and heartbreaking realization for him, (and me as well, in many ways honestly), because we had looked forward to being closer to family, but it seems we will just need to make priorities to see them more often, in other ways. Not jobless We are so lucky and blessed that Trent's previous job will still employ him, and they were thrilled to welcome him back. (with the understanding of course that we won't be making a habit out of this.) Many of my students are thrilled that I will be staying, I will still have my full studio, but I have decided to cut back on my teaching hours significantly. "But you sold your place, now what?" In fact, now we are looking for a house/townhouse or larger condo now in the same area hopefully. While we LOVE where we were at, we still feel that it's fine for us to be displaced from our condo because we are outgrowing it anyway! Perspective & Blessings It's amazing what happens when you think you have to leave somewhere, and you have a change of perspective about what you will miss or what you want & need/etc. In my belief, in some cases "mistakes" are what God/Fate/Life needs you to do, in order to show you what is most important to you. It's my belief that we had to "go through" all of this (we had just only moved our minivan out there so far, the actual move was to happen next weekend, it could have been SO much worse) to recognize that we needed to make some life changes, in order to continue getting the most out of where we live, no matter where that may be. My heart is with my little family, and my little family could be in Antarctica, and all that would matter would be that we are together. Happy to be staying in CHICAGO!!! ______________________________________________________________ ORIGINAL POST: To my friends and artistic colleagues, this seems like a very sudden, unthinkable, and bold move. "But you're an artist, you need a big city! How will you do what you do?" I LOVE Chicago. It has a vibrant artistic and cultural scene. It is insane to think for an instant that I "wanted" to leave it. BUT! -I am okay! And I will be back often! "Why Boise?" #1. My husband Trent has been offered a position that sort of "popped" up, that will be a great growth opportunity for him, and there are several other benefits as well (such as tuition reimbursement for his MBA, & relocation). And we feel that this is the direction Life/God/Fate has chosen for our little family. #2. Idaho is where much of our family is located, so we will be moving nearer to them. We don't know Boise very well, but we do know Idaho. I lived in Southeast Idaho for 6 years in my pre-Chicago life. Trent is going back "home", and I have siblings there and also a dear Uncle and Aunt. #3 I am (finally) confident and secure as a performing artist, and I don't say that lightly. Artists should be constantly improving and developing, and I certainly do not presume or believe that I have everything figured out. However, I feel that I have gained enough experience now within my artistic life, to not need to rely on where I live, in order to achieve fulfilling artistic experiences. The world is increasingly smaller, and I will be just a plane ride away from anywhere I want to be at any time. #4 It's much more affordable to have a nice home, and as we grow our family it is an added perk. (stupid Illinois taxes). Having a lower cost of living frees up financial space for travel! (Also, having family nearby that can take the baby) It also relieves the pressure I felt to teach so many hours per week. I love teaching; but felt that SO many hours of teaching, while having a child, was unsustainable. It has drained my energy & time for other artistic projects. I will now be able to afford to teach a little less, and perform a little more. Optimistically speaking, This makes the world my oyster! Those who know that I have an 8-month-old daughter, may say: "Are you moving because you're a Mom now? Are you going to stop performing?" ... I could not possibly answer more emphatically with a "NO" to any question ever asked. Clarity Having a child does change your perspective. It changed mine in the best way possible. I now look at every opportunity presented or pursued and ask myself: Is this REALLY what I want to be doing as an artist? Is this worth the time (or money/efforts) - away from my family? ...If there is any doubt - it's tossed out the window. I have never had more clarity on WHAT I want to be doing! It is as if I am wearing new glasses and suddenly seeing the individual leaves on distant trees, after the fuzzy blur before. After viewing each opportunity through this new lens, any performing/producing/directing/recording projects that I choose, MUST be a 'pearl' in the aforementioned oyster. This SHOULD mean, a higher frequency of "pearls" -the most fulfilling kind of ventures! Fear I hope to retain my artistic credibility, and continue creating on the highest level possible. I am a little worried that artistic entities will "write me off" or disregard my abilities simply because I no longer live "in town". They may think I don't wish to travel "so far" to do a contract or concert when housing isn't offered. But, as far as Chicago or NYC (or even Savannah, Georgia!) are concerned, my friends are amazing and have expressed that I can stay over anytime. I plan to reach out to my esteemed connections, collaborators, and any artistic "powers that be", to express this sentiment: Yes, I DO WANT TO COME SING IN CHICAGO/NYC/SAVANNAH/ANYWHERE! It is my sincere hope that they take me seriously. Excitement Boise has a vibrant artistic scene of it's own! And it is a new side of the country to explore. I look forward to new people and new projects! Moving isn't permanent. (I hope never to move again--moving is horrible). It always feels so final, but it doesn't have to be. It could be that down the road we move back, or elsewhere, etc. - who knows? But for now, this is what we are doing and it's going to be an adventure for sure.
I am ready to grow. I am ready for change. I can 'fly' anywhere; literally, figuratively, and artistically. Excited to meet you, Boise.
"Becoming a mother changed me. I have more love, passion, and fulfillment in life; which in turn, enriches my artistry. Please join me in normalizing motherhood within the performing artist's culture."
- Rachel Sparrow AuthorRachel Sparrow is a professional singer, musician,(violin, piano, ukulele) actor, teacher, arranger, writer, and most importantly: a wife and a mommy of two littles. She loves to help parents make everyday life musical with their kids as well as share backstage stories, and performance experiences here. She earned her Master's degree in Voice Performance from Northwestern University, and also holds two Bachelor's degrees in Voice, and Music Education (certified to teach k-12 vocal & instrumental music) from Idaho State University. She is also a certified Music Together Director (music class for birth-5 yrs). See about Rachel. "Think Outside Your Box" means 3 things: 1. Be Selfless - think beyond your own "box". (and for singers, there's more to life than your voice box!) You're capable of helping and healing others. 2. Feel Empowered to bust out of the proverbial "box" made of societally-induced-parameters. 3. Be Bold. Innovate. Stretch yourself. You can do anything if you set your mind to it. "THINK
#ThinkOutsideYourBox Archives
October 2023